28 September 2023 Block 1 Seminars

7:00AM - 7:50AM

Registration and Networking

7:55AM - 8:00AM

Opening Remarks from the Conference Chair


  • Amanda Allen Odyssey TherapeuticsAmanda Allen Executive Director, Facilities and Operations - Odyssey Therapeutics
8:00AM - 8:30AM

Adhering to Strict Safety Standards and Best Practices Preparation for Facility Inspection

 Evaluating potential biohazards and classifying them for effective risk management and compliance
 Developing standard operating procedures (SOPs) for biohazard handling
 Leadership and culture: Promoting training, awareness, and access control for enhanced safety and adherence
 Conducting regular audits and risk assessments to meet waste management requirements


  • Melissa Gutierrez Associate Director of Facilities & Operations - Seawolf Therapeutics
8:30AM - 9:00AM

HVAC Considerations for Lab Facilities: Installation, Monitoring, and Control

9:00AM - 9:30AM

Operational Readiness: Integrating the Lab into Site Operations

 Creating a conducive environment for people to succeed
 Developing operative lab design to improve performance and workflows
 Effective collaboration between lab operations and other departments
 Industry-wide case studies and strategies


9:30AM - 10:10AM

Technology Demonstrations

10:10AM - 10:50AM

Networking Break and Exhibition